Creative Force 2010  Juror and Curator Statements


Juror’s statement

From mundane to extraordinary

A record number of 384 entries from 14 countries — Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States — were received. Selecting only 50 works was a daunting, challenging process, and also an honor. As a fiber artist for 40 years, I found this opportunity was a feast for my eyes.

A range of figurative, abstract, graphic, and painterly works expressed many themes: social/political, travel journals, homage to nature, personal memories, and complex relationships. Many narrative works expressed deep inner feelings from the conscious or subconscious. Some pieces were enhanced with visual effects such as text, images, and surface embellishments. The entered works encompassed all of the techniques one can possibly imagine in textile and fiber arts: patchwork, painting, drawing, dyeing, printing, marbling, collage, assemblage, photo transfer, embroidery, weaving, felting, and more.

With regard to composition, some works were subtly intricate, while others were simple and bold. Some made use of extreme perspectives, such as intimate close-ups, or created a strong illusion of movement and dimension. Others combined opacity and transparency. There were works with unconventional shapes. A two-sided work with open spaces caught my attention.

My primary criteria for selection were originality in visual expression combined with a strong concept and skillful use of medium, color, and composition. It was extremely difficult to narrow the field to only 50 works, but I believe these to be the most outstanding of the collection. I could see a wide range of enthusiasm for creating art quilts among the entered pieces. I was impressed by their high aesthetic quality with in-depth content, and many were especially striking in their use of color play and composition.

Quilting is an honorable tradition, and quilts can range from practical, functional items to exotic art pieces. It is amazing to me how a domestic art that starts with ordinary fabric, needle, and thread can take on so many aspects and unite people from diverse regions and cultures. Today, quiltmaking serves as a bridge from east to west, young to old, and female to male. I am thrilled by the universal nature of this art form.

I believe that quiltmaking originated out of necessity, but over time, the mundane has been transformed into something extraordinary. I’d like to applaud SAQA and all who entered their artwork into Creative Force 2010 for playing an important role in fostering a deeper, wider, and higher depth of quilt art in the world.

—Chunghie Lee



Curator's Statement


Creative Force 2010 marks an important milestone in the history of Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. The National Endowment for the Arts granted a Visual Arts award of $25,000 for this exhibition — an enormous honor for SAQA and a validation of this art form.

I would like to thank AURIfil USA and the American Quilter’s Society for their sponsorship of the fifth Creative Force show. And I would like to thank Shirley Neary for her generous support of this catalog.

The artwork in Creative Force 2010 was juried from a pool of entries received from 179 international artists. Juror Chunghie Lee chose an exciting exhibition of 50 pieces. Together these dynamic pieces create an imposing effect on the viewer.

The purpose of this exhibition is to showcase the breadth and depth of work being created by SAQA’s artists. It is a creative force to be reckoned with.

—Rose Rushbrooke