Project Plan Development

(Visioning Project)

Project Planning 101: What to Consider

: What actually IS within the scope to be delivered in this project and its goal AND

OUT OF SCOPE: What you are NOT expecting to get out of the project/goal




MEASUREMENT & FEEDBACK:Define some sort of survey or assessment/report form in order to keep abreast of your status

DEPENDENCIES:Are there any events, steps, individuals that your any part of your plan are dependent on?

CONSTRAINTS: A restriction that affects when an activity can be scheduled, worked on or completed by: (example: resource not available on xxx dates)

DEFINING MILESTONES (the ta-da events):
List and briefly describe significant project accomplishments that will act as primary checkpoints for the project’s progress and cost measuring. These are generally the points at which the completion of an activity or group of activities causes the project to reach a milestone by producing a highly visible or significant product or result

SCHEDULE: Get granular break your steps down into the most baby steps. Focus on one thing at a time!

Different Types of Project Plans (very high level, but you can take a simple structure out of them):

Project Definition Vision Document (doc)

Microsoft Project MPP Plan Template (pdf)
Product Development Planning(pdf)
Customer Feedback Monitoring (pdf)